Creating your Book Page Using a Little Bit of Magic

One of the biggest complaints we hear from writers is that creating a typical website for their book:
a.) takes too much time, and
b.) takes them away from what they’d rather be doing — which is writing.

When we started imagining what Booklaunch could be, one of our primary goals was speed. There’s no reason an author couldn’t start marketing their book online within an hour. Still unsatisfied, we kept pushing ourselves to reduce that timeframe, and when we built our Page Builder feature, we knew we had something really revolutionary for authors.

The idea was simple:
If we could access and utilize information and content that an author already has created to populate their book page, we might be able to save some significant time and effort.

To do it, we use existing info from Amazon to create and populate a page with as much information as possible, in as few clicks as possible. By simply pasting in your ASIN or ISBN-10 and clicking “Build Your Page”, you can have the start of a beautiful, customized book page in less than 10 seconds.

It kinda feels like magic.

When you click “Build Your Page”, the magic spinner starts, and all this is happening behind the scenes:

  1. Your book title and description are transported from Amazon and populated into your page and page settings
  2. Your book cover image is lifted and loaded in two different sections
  3. We analyze your cover image and develop a harmonious color palette from its design
  4. Different palette colors are applied to multiple sections of your book page
  5. Loads an Amazon logo and purchase link into the BUY NOW section
  6. Your name, profile picture, bio, and website address are applied to the author info section

All that, with the click of one button! Filling out the rest of your page should be a breeze.

It’s a pretty wonderful feeling to go from having no book page at all, to a rich, populated, color-themed page that accentuates your book cover and can immediately direct readers to purchase your book. In seconds! It feels like a huge step forward in the creation process of your site.

We made this feature part of our Free tier so that anyone looking to create a beautiful book page could use it, and we hope you do. To check it out, signup or login and go to “Page Builder” in the top navigation.

Have feedback for us? Email me at and I’d love to chat.